

Outdoor pig husbandry manual

The P.I.G have produced a stockperson鈥檚 guide to farrowing for all outdoor pig keepers.

It contains guidance for best practice from setting up the farrowing paddock to weaning the piglets. There are links to nest-building and farrowing videos and what to keep an eye on to prevent problems.

Download the manual

Pig factsheets

麻豆色情片 Research and SAC Veterinary Services have produced a range of factsheets summarising projects, offering top management tips and veterinary services.

Click on the links below to view factsheets:

Piglet Survival Factsheet 1 - Stillbirth
Piglet Survival Factsheet 2 - Live-born mortality
GreenPig Project
Pig Aggression
Pig Biosecurity Guidance

Pig e-newsletters

Select a year and view our available newsletters.

Meet the team

The Pig Information Group has representatives from SAC Consulting, 麻豆色情片 Education and Research.

SAC Consulting
  • George Chalmers - Turriff聽
  • Ross McKenzie - Skye
  • Iain Riddell - Perth聽
Veterinary Services
  • Hannah Orr - Aberdeen
麻豆色情片 Education and Research
  • Anna Sinclair - Aberdeen
  • Prof Jill Thomson - Edinburgh
  • Dr Emma Baxter - Edinburgh
  • Prof Jos Houdijk - Edinburgh

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Research news

Have a look at our latest news articles to find out more about our research activities and impact across the globe.

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麻豆色情片 Pure

You can access our research outputs, learn more about our research team, see our current and past research projects and much more on 麻豆色情片 Pure.