

Your physical and mental health should be one of your top priorities whilst at college.

At Â鶹ɫÇéƬ, our aim is for you to feel confident to approach any member of staff if you are worried, distressed or in difficulty of any form.Ìý

Your physical health

You are strongly recommended to register with a local medical practice and/or College Doctor, who can give help, advice and support on all health related matters including health promotion issues, contraception, alcohol, drugs, HIV/AIDS issues, and stress.

Find tips on staying on top of your health and detailed campus medical and dental services contact information below.

If you are not sure about something, please contact Student Support.

Faculty offices and campus medical & dental services

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Keeping on top of your general health

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Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Depending on your course, you may need to order or purchase personal protection equipment (PPE).

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Your mental health

In a difficult landscape where the importance of student mental health and wellbeing is being acknowledged globally, Â鶹ɫÇéƬ are taking significant steps to prioritise the mental health of our students. Learn more about our Student Health and Wellbeing Strategy or explore other ways Â鶹ɫÇéƬ is supports your mental health below.

Student Health & Wellbeing Strategy

Nature and greenery

Living in an urban area with green spaces has a long-lasting positive impact on people’s mental wellbeing. Â鶹ɫÇéƬ have garden grounds which all students are welcome to visit. Each campus also has a daily mile which we encourage you to walk or run as often as possible.

Pastoral support and counsellor services

Sometimes it can be hard to deal with difficulties on your own and this is when asking for help or meeting a counsellor can be helpful. Our pastoral support staff are there to listen and give you some support and guidance on the first steps. Please contact your Year Tutor or pastoral staff for more information.

Who to contact


A game-changing mental health and wellbeing portal for Â鶹ɫÇéƬ students. Register now to the Spectrum.Life platform and mobile app.

Breathing Space

Sometimes our thoughts and feelings overwhelm us to the point where it becomes difficult to cope with everyday life. With Breathing Space you are not alone and talking about how you feel is a positive first step in getting help.


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Students Against Depression

This service provides you with a calm environment and the resources to help you find a way forward. Their website offers advice, information and guidance to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.


Our trained and experienced team of staff and volunteers are here to provide emotional support by phone, email and text, 365 days a year. You can also share experiences with others in our online peer-led forum. If you’re struggling with mental illness, or you’re caring for someone and would like to get in touch, we’re here for you.

Mind Your Head

A student mental health guide to living away from home.

Physical safety

As a student at Â鶹ɫÇéƬ, we want you to keep yourself safe. Find below a link to Police Scotland’s student safety advice. Take some time to look this over and please ensure you speak to our Student Support Pastoral Officer if you have any concerns around your safety.

Your welfare

At some point during your studies, you may well have a question that needs answering.Ìý

  • A financial problem
  • A medical matter
  • A vacation job
  • A placement
  • An accommodation worry
  • A personal problem
  • A sponsorship opportunity
  • A programme-related issue.

No matter what the worry, help is at hand within Â鶹ɫÇéƬ and there are a number of members of staff that are happy to help.

Inform & Support

Â鶹ɫÇéƬ is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected and treated in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.

Anyone who has experienced or witnessed sexual harassment, abuse, hate crime or other inappropriate behaviour can disclose the incident via the Â鶹ɫÇéƬ Inform & Support form below.

Helping us to help you

Students should feel confident to approach any member of staff if they are worried, distressed or in difficulty of any form. All information will be given due respect and attention and will be acted on as appropriate. Whilst your rights to confidentiality will always be respected, there may be occasions when it is necessary for staff to contact external agencies, or your parents/carers.

All students are encouraged to declare any additional support requirements, health and mobility concerns, and mental health issues at the earliest stage possible. This would also apply to the experience of the care sector and caring responsibilities.

Â鶹ɫÇéƬ has experience in working with students who tell us about a disability, health condition or additional support need. We help students who disclose:

  • A learning difference like Neurodiversity e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D;
  • A visual impairment such as blindness or partial sight;
  • A hearing impairment such as deafness or partial hearing;
  • A long-term illness or health condition which may involve pain or cause fatigue, loss of concentration or breathing difficulties – including any effects from taking associated medication;
  • A mental health condition, challenge or disorder such as anxiety or depression;
  • A social, behavioural or communication impairment like an autistic spectrum condition or Tourette’s syndrome;
  • A physical impairment or challenges with mobility such as climbing stairs or uneven surfaces, or dexterity such as using a keyboard or laboratory equipment;
  • Other conditions or impairments that have a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
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Core points of contact

Year Tutor

Each Â鶹ɫÇéƬ student is allocated a Year Tutor who provides a confidential first point of reference for both academic and personal matters.

Student Support Wellbeing/Pastoral Tutor

Our Student Support Wellbeing/Pastoral Tutor can provide you with help around your wellbeing by discussing your concerns.

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Academic Liaison Managers

As Â鶹ɫÇéƬ is a very close-knit community, most staff are happy to give you advice and support, especially those involved in the management of your programme. In addition, the Academic Liaison Managers have a great deal of experience in answering questions and solving problems.

Any consultation with the above members of staff is treated with confidentiality, where possible, and you will find them approachable and understanding.

Should you require additional help and support from agencies or organisations outside the College system, Student Support Tutors on your campus will try to help you.

Equalities, human rights and inclusion

Â鶹ɫÇéƬ is committed to valuing diversity, advancing equality of opportunity and respecting human rights in all aspects of our activities. All employees and students, in everything they do, must understand, recognise and accept their individual duties and responsibility in this regard. Discriminating, harassing or victimising others, whether intentionally or not, will not be tolerated and corrective action will be taken if the need arises. The protected characteristics of age, sex, race, disability, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, and religion or belief are the grounds upon which Â鶹ɫÇéƬ is fully committed to tackling discrimination, harassment and victimisation. We believe in advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

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Explore our academic and training course catalogues, check out our virtual experience, request a prospectus, find out how to apply to study with us, learn about fees and funding opportunities, and more.

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Study Options

Explore all the ways you can learn at Â鶹ɫÇéƬ. From entry-level to Master's degree and beyond, full or part time study, distance learning, apprenticeships, mature students and courses for schools. We're here to help you and your business thrive.

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